My Resources

As I learn and share more about candy, I want to give credit to whom credit is due. These are the books that have inspired me to start this blog and to start making my own candy. I know in the future they will continue to be very valuable resources:

Sweets - A History of Candy
By: Tim Richardson
An interesting history and fact-filled book
about the candy industry.
Field Guide to Candy - How to Identify and Make
Virtually Every Candy Imaginable

By: Anita Chu
Includes recipes and pictures of all your favorites.
The Ultimate Candy Book - More Than
700 Quick and Easy, Soft and Chewy,
Hard and Crunchy Sweets and Treats
By: Bruce Weinstein
Tips and variations on 100s
of candy recipes made easy.
Candy Construction - How to Build Edible
Race Cars, Castles, and Other Cool Stuff
Out of Store-Bought Candy!
By: Sharon Bowers
Fun, safe candy projects to do with children.