Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Candy Slogans

I know it's been awhile since I've posted a candy adventure on here. To be honest, I am little scared of the messes I've been making lately so it might take something really yummy sounding to get me back in that kitchen...

I have been thinking candy though! Candy seems like it'd be something very easy to sell without a lot of bells and whistles, but the time and money put into brand name marketing campaigns is humungous. All the millions of dollars spent every year to make us as consumers think candy all the time is definately working for me! I find myself seeing something blue, brown and white and think about the Snickers logo...hmmm I'm hungry for chocolate and I want it NOW. (Why wait?) Or if I see a rainbow after a rainy day, what do I want? Yep, Skittles.

Snickers has gone as far as creating their own language: SNACKLISH. You can translate anything into "SNACKLISH" at http://www.snacklish.com/.
"Snacklish" for Kelso's Candy Dish
...think I should change up my blog name??

"Snacklish" Taxi
Sure, all the marketing may make it a bit more expensive to indulge in our candies, but I myself have no problem being reminded how awesome candy is at any given moment.
Think you know your candy slogans?? Try this quiz on Sporcle: http://www.sporcle.com/games/candyslogans.php
Sporcle is an amazinly addicting quiz site that I'm not even going to admit how much time I've spent (wasted) taking quizzes about anything and everything. Give it a try!

Have a great day, & I hope I've got you thinking candy now too! :)

1 comment:

  1. FYI--I scored a 99% -- I didn't get Smarties or Nestle Crunch, although I do thoroughly enjoy both!
