Friday, May 27, 2011

Gumdrop Flop

Gummy candies are hard to make. Dang.
This is not what my gumdrops looked like...
this is how I feel about them :(
My attempt at gumdrops looks a little too similar to my attempt at gummy worms. See Kelso vs Gummy Worm Round 1. They aren't QUITE as tough, but they taste about the same...bad!  haha, I guess I just need to keep trying right? If anyone has any good recipes for good gumdrops or gummy worms, please let me know!
How it started...
not looking good even in the beginning!

I had to move my tinfoil to a smaller pan after
I poured the "gumdrops" in so it looks kinda ghetto

VERY rubbery something or other

My gumdrop floppy
So I can add this project as another fail. Although, I did learn that you should dissolve sugar and gelatin separately, and that gelatin may be one of the nastiest smelling ingredients ever. I worked on two projects today--gumdrops (smelly gelatin) and painting some chairs for my porch (smelly spray paint). So I am probably a couple different kinds of high while typing this...haha 

At least one of my projects turned out okay!
My freshly painted green chairs! :)
Cute, despite the rainy weather here-
someday we'll use them in the sunshine hopefully!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone!!

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