Friday, September 2, 2011

Candy Diet - Day 2

I've made it through another day of the candy diet, and I'm still in pretty good shape. I actually have a full belly as I'm writing this. A full belly of candy...does it get better?? Well, yes, I've been craving pasta today for some reason, but candy is a good 2nd place.

My breakfast today consisted of dark chocolate dipped pomegranate. Which, not sure if you are all up on the trend of pomegranate, but they are supposedly super healthy for you. There is even a store in Sioux Falls called Pomegranate Market, and they specialize in them. I personally haven't been there, but have heard lots of good things about the place... Anyhow, I got my daily dose of antioxidants (or enough for my candy diet anyways)
"Healthy" Candy
Lunch was a little more tricky since we did a road trip to Yankton and just had to stop at Quiznos for some sandwiches. It was hard to resist, but then I remembered my freshman year of college when I got "food poisoning" from Quiznos and ended up vomiting all of the fraternity floor. (It was definitely food poisoning, and not at all due to the fact that I drank an undisclosed amount of alcohol....that definitely wasn't it...) Whatever the reason, I've boycotted Quiznos since then and I stuck to my guns again today.
On the way out of town, I stopped at a gas station and got my lunch: a Snickers bar and some tropical Mike n' Ikes

My afternoon snack kind of melded into my supper and after dinner snack. My candy bag took a hefty hit today. Candies eaten include peanut M&M's, mini 100 Grands, mini Kit Kats, Red Vines, Gold Rocks Nugget Bubble Gum, & a Gummy Pizza.

It's even a supreme, got my veggies for the day! ;)
9 o'clock pm on Day 2 here's my status update:

Weight Change: -1.5 lbs
Hunger: 2
Candy Love: 10

Lovin' my candy bubble gum
That was take #24 of the bubble gum photo shoot...either I'm really bad at blowing bubbles, or really bad at taking pictures...or both...this is what most of them looked like..haha!


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