Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Candy Diet - Day 7

It's finally Day 7 of eating only candy for a week!

Breakfast started with my chocolate covered fruits. These have been good to me during this diet--making me at least feel like I'm getting some fruit (when in all actuality it's nutritional value is about that of a gummy fruit snack). They are pretty tasty though, and it's neat how they color the chocolate according to the color of fruit for easy identification: blue:blueberries, orange: apricots, red: cherries, white: strawberries.

My lunch consisted of a GIANT roll of Smarties, and a TINY bottle of Dr. Pepper (jelly beans that is). Candy companies have been playing with the scale of foods for may years. There's just something about life-size things that are made into minis that makes me smile. Check out my Strawberry Gentleman post for more miniature-ized candies.
Interesting play on scale
This might give you a better idea of the
size of these GIANT Smartees
I was jiving with the mini-movement, so I continued it for supper. How appetizing does a hot dog, a hamburger, and some fish sound right now?? Pretty darn good to someone on a diet! So I ate it. It's okay though because it was candy ;)
Delicious 3-course meal 
Doesn't look as filling in full view!
I supplemented with about 20 more Swedish Fish to make up for it :)
Dessert was a Nik-L-Nip mini drink. These wax bottles are filled with sweet juice. I've never understood why people like these... Maybe it's a texture thing (I've never really been sure if I'm supposed to chew and eat the wax or spit it out) but I could only make it through one "bottle" of my five-pack. So if anyone DOES like these and would like to come over and claim the remaining four-you are more than welcome!!
I don't know who else sells bottles in 5 "paks" instead of 6...
maybe it's a new thing.
My leftovers...wax is NOT candy! Don't eat it!
Of course today, and throughout my whole diet I had little munching candies stashed everywhere in my house, car, purse, work, etc for when the hunger cravings hit me. Who am I kidding..I always have that! Overall though, this candy only diet ended up being a lot easier than I first expected, and the fact that I lost almost 7 lbs in one week makes this diet just as legit as any other gimmick out there. I'll admit that this is the first time in my life that I have actually stuck to a "diet" for more than one or two days. It sucks. I've always been in the mindset that in life you should never deprive yourself of things that make you happy--just make sure to enjoy in moderation. 

Tonight of course, I will forget that moderation rule and stuff my face with pasta!

Here are my final results for the Candy Only Diet

Weight Change: -2 lbs (Total: -6.6 lbs!!)
Hunger: 5
Candy Love: 9

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